We all know that there’s nothing like the first impression, but do not underestimate the second and the third one – they might be the one who makes all the difference!
First mistake advertisers and business owners do when deciding on a marketing campaign is appreciating their content through their own eyes, and not through their potential new customer’s eyes.
You spend hours thinking on amazing copy-writing, create an astounding graphic that fits perfectly, and target their audience accurately. The campaign begins, and the phone doesn’t ring even once, there are no purchases for days, and no one subscribes to your new newsletter. So why is that?
“The call-to-action wasn’t encouraging enough!”
“The text wasn’t accurate enough!”
“The timing was all wrong!”
and so on…
However, maybe, just maybe, it was perfect!
The only thing that failed is the fact that the results weren’t in line with your expectations regarding the engagement of your audience with your brand. That’s where RE-MARKETING strategy comes to save the day.
Numbers don’t lie. Ever thought how difficult it is to turn consumer that met your brand for the very first time – to an active customer? You guys just met! Let’s have a look at some statistics:
- Click-through rate (ratio of clicks to the number of views per ad) – Re-marketing campaign very often gets THREE times more CTR percentage than ordinary campaigns.
- Conversion – Only 4 percent of first-time visitors tend to buy from an e-commerce website on the first visit. That means that if you don’t use Re-marketing strategy, you are missing 96% of potential customers!
- Conversion Rate – Re-marketing audience tends to raise the conversion rate up to 200% in comparison to first-time visitors.
- Marketing Agencies choice – more than 70% of marketing strategies have a dedicated budget for re-marketing ads.
Diving in – How it works?
Today’s platforms have all the right tools to build an excellent remarketing campaign. Rather it’s Google Ads, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and so on. The systems work pretty much the same.
Each platform allows you to set up a tracking code and embed it on your website/app. That helps to tag all your online visitors and see exactly where they had been, how long they remained there and which action they made (or haven’t made).
Now, you have a Remarketing data that grows every single day filled with potential customers that already seen your brand at least once! That leads us to our final point – On average it takes between 3-7 impressions before someone even consider taking action regarding your business (Purchase, Lead, etc.).
Remember that remarkable campaign you’ve listed earlier? Now that you know all the facts, maybe you will want to adjust your strategy a little bit. For a start, define budgets by dividing them to the first-time-visitors campaign and Re-marketing campaign. Create 2 different ads – one for the cold audience that hasn’t heard about you yet, and another for your new beloved audience: People who already engaged with you at least once! Make sure that the tone, intent, and content changes toward each group in a sophisticated way.
Last but not least:
Don’t be a stranger, give us feedback after your next experiment!
Need a further assistant? Contact us here.
Cristina Comanici – Cheif Marketing Officer at Purple Digital Media
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